it is estimated that about 200,000 women were forced to be sex slaves for japanese
soldiers during the asia-pacific war (wwii) and today they are known as “comfort women” of japanese military in general. those women were korean women mostly, along with taiwanese, chinese,
okinawan, southeast asian, dutch in indonesia and japanese. survivors of the military sexual slavery system have been demanding an official apology and a legal compensation, but their
demands are not accepted by the japanese government yet that keeps refusing to execute its legal and humanitarian responsibilities. though global societies recognize the "comfort women" issue as
one of the serious cases of human rights violation against women and recommend strongly japan that it should face the war time crime straightly and settle the issue politically before all
survivors pass away. however, right wings, including shinzo abe, the fromer japanese prime minister, and his fellows, are manipulating japanese
society and lead peoples to accept historical revisionism without any doubt. the revisionists in japan are justifying colonial rule in asia and japan's aggression which drops "ongoing conflicts"
in the area nowadays. i visited survivors in korea, taiwan and china to photograph them in portraits.